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A Catholic Approach to the Statist Holy Day: Labor Day

The State has erected her high holy days, which include Labor Day.  In this way she seeks to imitate in some way the Church, who for 20 centuries has maintained her own set of holy days, which provide the faithful for an opportunity to remember and celebrate important events and also to enjoy a time of leisure which is different from the normal condition we are born into, viz., work (Gen 2:15).

And yet, many Catholic men rejoice at the idea of a ‘day off’, or even the allusion of a ‘paid day off’, and celebrate these ‘holidays’ in a manner that they would never think of doing for true holy days, such as our ancestors might have.  (It’s an allusion because you earned that money by working, not by taking time off, and you’re already being paid less as a result of the reduced input).

Therefore it could be said that Catholics have authentic holidays, and Catholics who practice the faith might find dozens of these scattered throughout the year that they could enjoy in lieu of the statists’ holy days.

For example, in the US we have the Holy Days of Obligation which all are familiar with:

All Sundays
Mary, Mother of God
Ascension of the Lord
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
All Saints Day
Immaculate Conception

But there are also many other important days in the year that a Catholic should, to the extent possible, treat as Holy Days, inasmuch as they should be set aside from all other ‘normal days’.  These would include:

The day of your Baptism
The feast day of your confirmation Saint
The feast day of your parish’s patron Saint
The feast day of your children’s patron Saints
The feast day of your wife’s patron Saint
The Epiphany of Our Lord
The Baptism of Our Lord
Ash Wednesday
Solemnity of Saint Joseph
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Holy Trinity
Corpus Christi
Nativity of St. John
Sacred Heart
Saints Peter and Paul
All Souls’ Day

A Catholic who treats these 25+ glorious days (that averages out to an extra two holidays per month, or many more depending upon the number of children you have!), as TRUE holidays will find that the thrill of the secular holidays just doesn’t quite compare.  You can, after all, grill hamburgers most any day of the year, or spend time with the family, or read, sleep or pray, but with an even higher purpose in mind than the state offers you.

If you’ve grown up immersed in the secular lifestyle, the prospect of taking a day off to celebrate your baptism or the feast day of your child might seem odd, even radical, but how much more radical is it to celebrate secularism and the rise of the Marxist-backed unions, who bled working men dry while promising them a revolution and advocated violence, class warfare, abortion on demand and every cultural perversion we are now beset by?

Is this what we celebrate today?

Consider making this change to your lifestyle and encouraging your friends to do so.  If you find yourself resistant and saying something like, “But my job….”, then change your job so that you can live as a Catholic and put your faith, family and manhood first.

Learn more about how men just like you are doing that here.